Funding Opportunities

Each year, eligible individuals and groups are encouraged to apply for support for events, short-term projects, and long-term initiatives through our sponsorship and grant programs. This giving occurs in cycles, with applications accepted during the periods outlined below.


Grants made by the Alliance come through two funds: one managed by Alliance members and the other directed by our Community Advisory Committee. When requests for proposals are available, information will be included below. To see examples of previous RFPs visit our archive. To learn more about projects we are supporting or have supported in the past, see here.

NJBEFA Sponsorship Fund

The Sponsorship Fund provides grants to grassroots organizations hosting community-driven events focused on promoting perinatal health in Black, Indigenous, and Latine communities. Sponsorships for standalone events or short-term programs are typically available on a quarterly basis, with funding cycles in January, April, July and October of each year. When applications are open, they will be accessible on this page.

For questions about support outside of our open submission periods, contact us here.


NJBEFA is grateful for the sponsorship requests we receive each giving cycle. When determining funding, we will fund events that demonstrate a strong commitment to:

* Connecting birthing individuals with essential resources and support networks to promote positive birth experiences. Examples include community baby showers, maternal health fairs, and prenatal education classes.
* Enhancing skills and providing training for perinatal health workers. Examples include conferences, doula trainings, workshops, and seminars.
* Raising awareness of perinatal health inequities in Black, Indigenous, and Latiné communities and advancing community-centered strategies to reduce such disparities. Examples include conferences, awareness walks and races, and fundraising events.

Please note: NJBEFA currently considers events in two categories:
Category 1: Public Community Events are events open to all members of the community. There is no funding restriction.

Category 2: Invite Only Events are events where attendees will be invited at the discretion of the organizer. Invite Only events will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will be restricted in their funding.



 * Applicants must be rooted in their communities, and their work should reflect community needs, strengths, knowledge, values, and practices.
* Applicants’ work should align with NJBEFA’s principles of racial equity, collaboration, learning, mutual accountability, and co-designing solutions with the community.
* Applicants must have an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less.
* Applicants must have 501(c)(3) status, be registered businesses or social enterprises, or be fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization.
* Applicants must be based in New Jersey and/or predominantly serve New Jersey communities.

Other Requirements  
Sponsorship Fund acknowledgement is requested for all recipients. Guidelines for acknowledgment options can be found here.

Priority will be given to organizations:
* Serving Black, Indigenous, and Latine communities in New Jersey
* With leadership predominantly composed of Black, Indigenous, and Latine individuals (NJBEFA defines “predominantly” as more than 50% representation in decision-making roles)
* Based in and serving residents in the 52 high-need municipalities listed here

Sponsorships Do Not Fund
* Individuals
* Groups without 501(c)(3) status, business registration, or a fiscal sponsor
* Expenses related to attending events or training(s), such as travel costs and registration fees.
* Events held outside of New Jersey. (Virtual and hybrid events targeting New Jersey communities are allowed, but at least half of attendees must be New Jersey residents.)

All requests for sponsorship and community support must be submitted through our online application system by October 17th, 2024 at 12:00am.

Please submit requests at least 45 days prior to your event date. If selected, funds will be disbursed as a grant payment.